Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Growing Culinary Herbs

My Territorial Seed Catalog arrived in the mail last week and I find myself easily distracted with thoughts of my summer garden... What to plant? When to plant? I'll be starting some seeds indoor again this year, and I'm going to try growing some herbs in one of the new Herb Pot Trios ($48) that RED SAIL is now carrying. My go-to cooking herbs are basil, thyme and parsley so I'll probably start with those.
Sagaform's Herb Pots are great for growing herbs (or flowers) on a sunny counter top, and for keeping cut herbs fresh and close at hand during dinner prep. As you can see below, it's pretty simple. The ceramic pot hides the plastic planting pot if your growing plants, or corrals the stems of your cut herbs, keeping the ends in the water bath you pour into the base. The top and bottom halves are separate, so any clean up is super easy.

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